



 Ansible Documentation の Playbook Keywords の記載です。タスクの実行順序が書かれています。
  • post_tasks
  • A list of tasks to execute after the tasks section.
  • pre_tasks
  • A list of tasks to execute before roles.
  • roles
  • A list of tasks to execute before roles.
  • tasks
  • Main list of tasks to execute in the play, they run after roles and before post_tasks.
 Handlers: Running Operations On Change に handlers の実行順序が書かれています。
  • handlers notified within [pre_tasks], [tasks], and [post_tasks] sections are automatically flushed in the end of section where they were notified;
  • handlers notified within [roles] section are automatically flushed in the end of [tasks] section, but before any [tasks] handlers.
上述の 2 つの説明を併せた説明が Using Roles に書かれています。
  • Any [pre_tasks] defined in the play.
  • Any handlers triggered so far will be run.
  • Each role listed in [roles] will execute in turn. Any role dependencies defined in the roles [meta/main.yml] will be run first, subject to tag filtering and conditionals.
  • Any [tasks] defined in the play.
  • Any handlers triggered so far will be run.
  • Any [post_tasks] defined in the play.
  • Any handlers triggered so far will be run.
  1.  pre_tasks
  2.  pre_tasks の handlers
  3.  roles
  4.  tasks
  5.  roles の handlers
  6.  tasks の handlers
  7.  post_tasks
  8.  post_tasks の handlers


実行順序を確認するため、次の play を実行します。
■ site.yml
- hosts: all
  gather_facts: no

    - name: post_tasks の handler
      shell: "echo hello, world"
      listen: "post handler"
    - name: pre_tasks の handler
      shell: "echo hello, world"
      listen: "pre handler"
    - name: tasks の handler
      shell: "echo hello, world"
      listen: "tasks handler"
    - name: post_tasks のタスク No.1
      shell: "echo hello, world"
      notify: "post handler"
    - name: post_tasks のタスク No.2
      shell: "echo hello, world"

    - name: pre_tasks のタスク No.1
      shell: "echo hello, world"
      notify: "pre handler"
    - name: pre_tasks のタスク No2.
      shell: "echo hello, world"

    - name: tasks のタスク No.1
      shell: "echo hello, world"
      notify: "tasks handler"
    - name: tasks のタスク No.2
      shell: "echo hello, world"

    - roll-test
■ rolls/roll-test/tasks/main.yml
- name: post_tasks のタスク No.1
  shell: "echo hello, world"
  notify: "roll handler"
- name: post_tasks のタスク No.2
  shell: "echo hello, world"
■ rolls/roll-test/handlers/main.yml
- name: roll の handler
  shell: "echo hello, world"
  listen: "roll handler"
[ansibleman@ansiblesv ansible]$ ansible-playbook -i hosts.yml site.yml

PLAY [all] *********************************************************************

TASK [pre_tasks のタスク No.1] *****************************************************
changed: [node-c0706]

TASK [pre_tasks のタスク No2.] *****************************************************
changed: [node-c0706]

RUNNING HANDLER [pre_tasks の handler] ******************************************
changed: [node-c0706]

TASK [roll-test : rolls のタスク No.1] *********************************************
changed: [node-c0706]

TASK [roll-test : rolls のタスク No.2] *********************************************
changed: [node-c0706]

TASK [tasks のタスク No.1] *********************************************************
changed: [node-c0706]

TASK [tasks のタスク No.2] *********************************************************
changed: [node-c0706]

RUNNING HANDLER [roll-test : roll の handler] ***********************************
changed: [node-c0706]

RUNNING HANDLER [tasks の handler] **********************************************
changed: [node-c0706]

TASK [post_tasks のタスク No.1] ****************************************************
changed: [node-c0706]

TASK [post_tasks のタスク No.2] ****************************************************
changed: [node-c0706]

RUNNING HANDLER [post_tasks の handler] *****************************************
changed: [node-c0706]

PLAY RECAP *********************************************************************
node-c0706                 : ok=12   changed=12   unreachable=0    failed=0   

[ansibleman@ansiblesv ansible]$ 


